Reichsverband deutscher Tonkünstler und Musiklehrer
Imperial Association for German Musicians and Music Teachers
Documents associated with this entity:
Association founded in 1922 by adoption of the statutes of the pre-existent Zentralverband Deutscher Tonkünstler und Musiklehrer [Central Association for German Musicians and Music Teachers] (fo. 1903)--a confederation of many separate associations going back to 1844. In 1928, it combined with the Leiter der Volksmusikschulen [Director of Folkmusic Schools]. In 1933, it was dissolved and absorbed into the Reichsmusikkammer [Imperial Chamber of Music]; it reestablished itself in 1946 as the Verband Deutscher Tonkünstler und Musiklehrer (VDTM).
- VDTM website: href="
- Wikipedia "VDTM"