Agnes N. Becker
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Pupil of Moriz Violin in Hamburg, Schenker in Vienna, and Felix-Eberhard von Cube in Hamburg in the 1920s and 1930s.
Becker and the Schenker circle
Violin ‒ who had moved to Hamburg in 1921 to teach at the Vogt'sches Konservatorium ‒ referred to her as a pupil in 1924, noting that she had subscribed to Schenker's Der Tonwille (OJ 14/45, [36], October 22, 1924). Two subsequent receipts from Universal Edition survive relating to Tonwille issues 7‒10 (OC 52/645 and 646 ‒ these were sent by Becker to Schenker in April 1925 as evidence). Becker had apparently been overcharged, and this played into the much broader bitter dispute between Schenker and the publisher. Becker continued to be mentioned in correspondence between Violin and Schenker through to April 1925, at which time Becker declared herself willing to testify if the UE dispute were to go before the courts (Violin to Schenker, OC 52/644, April 21, 1925).
On January 12, 1926, Violin informed Schenker that Becker wished to move to Vienna, and asked him to take her over, observing: "She is not talented, is merely very smart and interested" (OJ 14/45, [50]); Schenker agreed to give her two lessons a week (OJ 6/7, [27]), and there is some discussion of her abilities in subsequent correspondence. Lessons with Schenker ran from February 3 to June 5, 1926, thirteen session in all, working on several Chopin Etudes, the Mozart Sonata in A major, K. 331 and Schumann's "Warum?" (OC 3/3). Instruction was not continued in the following season.
In 1933, Violin quit the Schenker Institute that he had founded in 1934, leaving Cube in charge. Becker was evidently a pupil around that time, and Cube wrote of her to Schenker (OJ 9/34, [28], October 16, 1931): Miss Agnes Becker, whom you also know, is at this moment working together with two men (including Dr Brulez, the Belgian) in one of my individual classes. These are my most fastidious pupils.
The only corrrespondence known to survive is one postcard from Oswald Jonas to Schenker dated October 2, 1934 (OC 44/46), to which she is a joint signatory with Hans and Ernst Wolff.
- Ian Bent