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A principal street in the 3rd district of Vienna (Landstraße), extending from the Schwarzenbergplatz at the northwest end to Simmeringer Hauptstraße at the south-east end.

The Rennweg and Schenker

The Rennweg was the geographical core of Schenker's life for more than half of his years in Vienna. He lived at Traungasse 1, 1893-97, Richardgasse (now Jaurésgasse) 1, 1898-1900, Reisnerstraße 38, 1901-21, and Keilgasse 8, 1921 to his death in 1935. Of these, Traungasse and Reisnerstraße turn directly off the Rennweg, and the other two lie very close to it. The No. 71 tram, which still runs the length of the Rennweg up to the Schwarzenbergplatz and the Ringstraße, must have been a principal means of transport for him. He frequented a coffee house on the Rennweg, and used the Rennweg branch of the Wiener-Bank-Verein.


  • Eybl, Martin & Fink-Mennel, Evelyn, eds., Schenker-Traditionen: Eine Wiener Schule der Musiktheorie und ihre internationale Verbreitung (Vienna: Böhlau-Verlag, 2006), CD-ROM "Schenker Wohnungen"


  • Marko Deisinger with Ian Bent

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