WSLB 141 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated November 7, 1912
In a satyrical letter, Schenker asks Hertzka to make up his mind about the
compositions of Hans Weisse submitted for publication.
OJ 6/7, [23] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 26, 1925
Two weeks after arriving in Galtür for the summer holidays, Schenker reports that
he has caught up on his sleep and has already dictated an essay on Reger's Variations and Fugue
on a Theme of J. S. Bach, Op. 81. He will not allow the legal wrangle with Universal Edition to
interfere with his holiday, but he is annoyed about not having been paid by Drei Masken Verlag
for the manuscript of Meisterwerk 1. He has responded to a critique of his Erläuterungsausgabe
of Op. 110, in an essay in Meisterwerk 1, but will not pursue other attacks upon his work and
those of his pupils. The Schenker medallion designed by Alfred Rothberger is going to a second
impression; but the mezzotint portrait by Viktor Hammer, which Jeanette finds a superior work,
has not yet been printed. Throughout the letter, Schenker urges Violin to bring his family to
Galtür sometime during the summer.
OJ 6/7, [24] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated August 15, 1925
After expressing his sympathy for Violin, in response to his friend's depressing
postcard, Schenker gives an account of some of the summer events, including a visit from
Vrieslander and Hoboken and work on two essays for Meisterwerk 2. While continuing to rail
against Hertzka and Universal Edition, he repeats the story of Drei Masken Verlag failing to
send him 250 Marks upon receipt of the manuscript of Meisterwerk 1. His brother Moses is,
however, acquainted with the principal owner of Drei Masken, Felix Sobotka, and through this
connection the payment has been made.
OC 54/33 Typewritten letter from C. Alberti (DMV) to Schenker, dated September 1,
In response to Schenker's request for proofs for the first Meisterwerk Yearbook,
Drei Masken Verlag explain that they have not yet decided on a printing house. They advise
Schenker to submit his next manuscript earlier in the year, on account of the complexity of the
OC 54/37 Copy of letter from Schenker to Drei Masken Verlag, dated October 16,
Expressing his distress at the delays, Schenker expresses his hope that the
first Meisterwerk Yearbook might nonetheless be published by December and, if not, that it
should still bear the date of 1925.
OC 54/39 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated October 19,
Drei Masken Verlag are near agreement with a printer; Yearbook I will be
backdated to 1925.
OJ 6/7, [25] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated October 25, 1925
In this wide-ranging letter, Schenker commiserates with Violin about the high
cost of living, and his inability to raise his fees to keep up with it (in particular, he
feels unable to ask the wealthy Hoboken to pay more than his other pupils). He reports on
sales of a medallion bearing his image, and the imminent arrival of a mezzotint of his
portrait, made by Viktor Hammer, of which his brother Moses Schenker has bought the original
drawing. Vrieslander will write an essay about his work in Die Musik, accompanied by the
portrait, and things are now going well with the corrections to Meisterwerk 1 and the
writing of Meisterwerk 2.
OC 54/58 Typewritten letter from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated
January 16, 1926
The facsimile edition of Mozart’s Don Giovanni will not be ready for some time; a
facsimile of Beethoven’s Op. 57 is planned, not by DMV but by a Paris
OJ 8/4, [42] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 11,
Schenker enquires about Violin's trio concerts with Buxbaum and van den Berg
went and ask if Hammer's portrait has arrived. He reports on the possible difficulties in
putting together the first Meisterwerk Yearbook, on account of the numerous music examples
and separate Urlinie graphs, and summarizes the contents of the second
OC 54/65-66 Draft of a publicity note for Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, dated February 15,
A draft statement of the principles lying behind Schenker’s Meisterwerk series
of Yearbooks, together with a provisional table of contents for the second
OJ 6/7, [28] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated March 1, 1926
In a wide-ranging letter responding to Moriz Violin's previous letter,
Schenker asks his friend to confide in him his personal troubles. He offers his support in
the wake of the recent display of vanity of the cellist Friedrich Buxbaum. He is trying to
find a way of getting the Hammer portrait to him safely, possibly by having it sent directly
from Artaria's art shop. Finally he confirms the lack of musical giftedness of his new pupil
Agnes Becker, recently arrived from Hamburg where Violin had been teaching
OJ 15/15, [20] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated April 16, 1926
Schenker has, mistakenly, sent Weisse a copy of Reger's "Telemann" Variations
(Op. 134) instead of the "Bach" Variations (Op. 81) which he had lent him. Weisse asks what
is holding up the publication of the first Meisterwerk Yearbook, and suggests that Schenker
might write about Bruckner in the next one. A Brahms analysis would help strengthen his
position against his opponents. He also recommends that Schenker discuss a work that is less
than perfect, and cites Eduard Mörike's "Um Mitternacht" as an example of a poem whose
opening verses are beautiful but which deteriorates in meaning and poetic
OC B/192 Two typewritten letters from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated June 9,
Letter 1: Altmann replies to Schenker's inquiry about manuscripts of two
Mozart symphonies. Letter 2: Altmann gives his summer travel plans; delay in publishing
article about Schenker in Die Musik; advice for Weisse over choice of
OC 54/80 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 11, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag acknowledge receipt of the manuscript of Das Meisterwerk in
der Musik, vol. 2.
OC 54/81 Envelope for item 54/80, dated June 11, 1926
Envelope for a letter confirming receipt of the manuscript for Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, volume 2.
OC 54/82 Typed postcard from Alfred Einstein and August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June
14, 1926
The Munich office of Drei Masken Verlag acknowledges receipt of the
manuscript for Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, volume 2.
OC 54/88 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 21, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag will arrange to have the remainder of the advance for the
first Meisterwerk Yearbook paid in shillings, but they are reducing the royalties because
the corrections he made exceed 10% of the printing costs. They are also reserving judgment
on the publication of the second Yearbook until they see some sales figures for the first.
(Pencil annotations to the letter indicate Schenker’s displeasure at this
OC 54/90 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 23, 1926
In response to Schenker’s query regarding advance payments for Das Meisterwerk
in der Musik, the Vienna office of Drei Masken Verlag explain that they have instructions
only to offer the remainder of the advance on the first Yearbook, and that no decision has
yet been made with regard to the second.
OC 54/91-92 Draft of a letter from Schenker to DMV in Schenker’s hand, dated June 24,
In response to Drei Masken Verlag’s delay in initiating production of the
second Meisterwerk Yearbook, Schenker points out that the publishers are in breach of
paragraph 8 of the contract between them for not informing him the previous summer. He
threatens them with legal action if he has not had a reply within a week, or if they insist
on delaying production.
OJ 10/1, [95] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, undated, presumably late June or early
July, 1926
Dahms's almanach plans have failed. — Germany has shown its gratitude for his
work by denying him a divorce [from Agnes] for 15 years.
OC 54/95 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated July 9, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag ask Schenker to agree to a delay until October 1926 before
a decision is reached about proceeding with production of the second Meisterwerk
OC 54/96-99 Draft of a letter from Schenker to Drei Masken Verlag in Jeanette Schenker’s hand
with corrections in Heinrich Schenker’s hand, dated July 14, 1926
Schenker agrees to a delay to the start of production of the second
Meisterwerk volume, but insists that it continue to be understood as a “Yearbook,” i.e. as
part of a series of publications and not as an individual book, and that it bear the year
OJ 11/54, [8] Handwritten letter from Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 22, 1926
Hoboken will probably not now visit Schenker in Galtür; explains his and his
wife's departure from Munich and their subsequent travels to Bern, Naples, and Capri, and
reports that his house in Vienna should be ready for occupancy on October 1. — Vrieslander and
he are considering founding a music journal, and wish to discuss the idea with Schenker.
OC 54/109 Typed letter from Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 11,
Although he is confident that Drei Masken Verlag is not bound to publishing
Schenker’s second Meisterwerk Yearbook, Einstein suggests that the two of them come to a new
financial agreement so that production can take place.
OC 54/113-115 Handwritten notes by Schenker for material sent to Otto Erich Deutsch in January
These notes form the basis of a letter from Schenker to Otto Erich Deutsch
that gives details of his difficulties with his present publisher (Drei Masken Verlag), and
provides a list of the extracts from the correspondence with DMV, which Jeanette Schenker
has copied out to assist Deutsch in renegotiating a contract to publish Schenker’s second
Meisterwerk Yearbook.
OC 54/116 Typewritten draft of two letters to Drei Masken Verlag, dated January 8 and 10,
This document contains drafts of two alternative letters to Drei Masken
Verlag, one asking them to return the manuscript of the second Meisterwerk Yearbook and
threatening legal action for financial damage, the other authorizing Otto Erich Deutsch as
representative of a group of students who will offer financial support to make it
financially easier for the publishers to bring out the Yearbook.
OJ 10/3, [52] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 15, 1927
Deutsch asks Schenker if a (recent) edition of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was
based on the facsimile edition. He has sent the manuscript (of Schenker’s second Meisterwerk
yearbook) to the publishers. A Haydn facsimile and a Handel print can be discussed
OJ 10/3, [53] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 16, 1927
Deutsch asks Schenker what he wrote about Domenico Scarlatti and Chopin as
non-German geniuses, for his forthcoming trip to Sweden. He has learned that Schubert was
paid for two summers’ teaching for the Esterházy family; he has valued two song manuscripts
belonging to the family at 4,000 marks.
OC 54/119 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 17,
Drei Masken Verlag agree to publish the second Meisterwerk Yearbook, under
terms suggested by Otto Erich Deutsch, and will send Schenker an advance of 250
OC 54/120 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 18,
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they have sent the manuscript of his
second Meisterwerk Yearbook to the typesetter, Mandruck (Munich), from whom he will receive
the galley-proofs.
OC 54/121 Typed letter from Waldheim Eberle A. G. to Schenker, dated January 18,
Waldheim-Eberle report – with regret – that they did not get the contract to
engrave the second volume of Das Meisterwerk in der Musik.
OC 54/122 Handwritten postcard from Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 19,
Einstein thanks Schenker for the information provided (via Otto Erich Deutsch)
about the manuscripts of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, and uses the opportunity to express his
happiness that production of the second Meisterwerk Yearbook is now
DLA 69.930/14 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Halm, dated January 22, 1927
Schenker thanks Halm for sending his book, and hopes to read it
OC 54/129 Typed letter from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated February 10, 1927
Vrieslander assures Schenker that he has prepared the graphs for Mozart’s
Symphony in G minor with the utmost care, with due regard to his
OC 54/131 Typed postcard from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, postmarked February 14,
Vrieslander explains the way he has dealt with Schenker’s detailed comments on
the graph of Mozart’s Symphony in G minor.
OC 54/132 Typed letter from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated February 15, 1927
Vrieslander informs Schenker that Alfred Einstein (DMV) has decided to engrave
the music examples for the second Meisterwerk volume in order to ensure a flawless
reproduction. He also reports that the width of the pages in the supplement will be
expanded, and notifies Schenker of the changes that he will make to the music examples
following this decision. Vrieslander states he has officially enquired with Einstein about
potential problems in the printing process, making clear that Schenker will not be able to
bear any additional costs for printing errors.
OC 54/133 Copy of a letter from Otto Vrieslander to Alfred Einstein (DMV), dated February 15,
Following Einstein’s determination to have the Urlinie graphs engraved, not
hand-drawn, Vrieslander asks that the engraver pays particular attention to the shape of the
large slurs, and suggests a meeting with the engraver to go over further problems. If the
graphs were relegated to an appendix, they could be as wide as necessary, for sake of
OJ 5/7a, [9] (formerly vC 9) Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cube, dated February 15, 1927
Schenker acknowledges and returns Cube's review; reports on the progress of his
own publications.
OC 54/134 Typed letter from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated February 20, 1927
Vrieslander, at pains to ensure that the music illustrations in the second
Meisterwerk Yearbook are accurately and elegantly printed, reports that the engravers are
having difficulty interpreting Schenker’s music examples. He is putting his own work to one
side in order to work exclusively on creating clear and elegant graphs; he proposes to come
to Vienna in mid-March to go through all his work with Schenker.
OJ 10/3, [57] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 13, 1927
Deutsch asks Schenker to recommend Dr. Willy Kahl (Cologne) to write for the
Bonn General-Anzeiger. He reports the arrival of galley proofs (for the second Meisterwerk
OC 54/141 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 24,
Drei Masken Verlag confirm that the facsimile sketch for Haydn’s “Chaos” will
be stereotyped.
OC 54/142 Postal receipt for a package to Drei Masken Verlag (München), dated March 28,
Postal receipt for a package containing materials for Meisterwerk 2 (corrected
engravings, new copies of music examples and the "Chaos" sketch).
OC 54/148 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated May 3, 1927
Mandruck return the original sketches of Haydn's "Representation of Chaos" to
Schenker and inform him that they have prepared the stereotype in accordance with his
OC 54/150 Typed postcard from Mandruck to Schenker, dated May 4, 1927
Mandruck notify Schenker that a set of galley proofs for the second
Meisterwerk volume will soon arrive.
OC 54/156 Postal receipt for a letter to Drei Masken Verlag (München), dated May 12,
Postal receipt for a package containing an imprimatur graph of Mozart's G
minor Symphony for the second Meisterwerk volume.
OC 54/157 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 13, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they have forwarded his requested
corrections to the printing house, and will be in touch soon regarding the completion of the
graphs for the second Meisterwerk volume.
OC 54/160 Postal receipt for a letter to Drei Masken Verlag (München), dated May 16,
Postal receipt for page proofs for the second Meisterwerk
OC 54/164 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 23, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag confirm receipt of Schenker's imprimatur graphs and amended proofs for
the second Meisterwerk yearbook, assuring him that the requested correction in the Mozart
Symphony has been made.
OJ 6/7, [33] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated May 27, 1927
Schenker has tried to find out more about the plans for the conservatory in
Frankfurt to be upgraded to a music Hochschule (and, presumably, for Violin to be posted
there), but he is reluctant to press his contacts too far, as this may prove
OC 54/167 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 30, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag have enclosed the sample proofs of the first two gatherings
for Meisterwerk 2, and request that he responds to their query about the size and placement
of music examples as soon as possible.
OC 54/169 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 7, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that the page proofs for the second
Meisterwerk volume will be completed in around two weeks time.
OC 54/170 Typed postcard from Mandruck to Schenker, dated June 10, 1927
Mandruck have enclosed the first two gatherings of the second Meisterwerk
volume, amended in accordance with Schenker's wishes. They anticipate that he will receive
the remaining page proofs before the end of the month.
OC 54/171 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated June 11, 1927
Mandruck enclose two sets of gatherings for the second Meisterwerk yearbook,
along with the galley proofs. They request an explanation regarding Figure
OC 54/174 Typed postcard from Mandruck to Schenker, dated June 14, 1927
Mandruck have enclosed the page proofs for the second Meisterwerk volume, along
with a printout of the galley proofs and gatherings 5–6.
OC 54/175 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 15, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag enclose a paper sample intended for the second Meisterwerk Yearbook,
and request Schenker's approval.
OC 54/176 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated June 17, 1927
Mandruck enclose further page proofs for the second Meisterwerk
volume, along with the corresponding galley proofs.
OC 54/178 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated June 21, 1927
Mandruck have enclosed further page proofs for the second Meisterwerk volume,
and request that he return the previous set as soon as possible.
OJ 10/3, [64] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 24, 1927
Deutsch has received the second galley proofs to the second Meisterwerk
yearbook but did not read them as he did not have a source with which to compare them. He
will, however, assist Schenker correcting the page proofs, if necessary.
OC 54/181 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated July 8, 1927
Mandruck enclose the remaining page proofs for the second Meisterwerk volume,
along with copies of the relevant music examples. They request guidance on the positioning
of the music examples.
DLA 69.930/15 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated July 11, 1927
Thanking Halm for his Beethoven book, he believes that their misunderstandings
could be removed and hopes Der freie Satz will help bring that about; gives order of publication
for Meisterwerk II and Der freie Satz, and compares his "Das Organische der Fuge" with the work
of others on Bach. — Schenker took no part in the Vienna Beethoven festival. — Describes his
correspondence with Hindemith.
OC 54/183 Typed postcard from C. Alberti (DMV) to Schenker, dated August 5, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they expect to receive a complete,
corrected copy of the second Meisterwerk volume in around a week, and anticipate that it
will be released in September.
OJ 6/7, [35] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated August 5, 1927
In a wide-ranging letter, Schenker underscores the importance of his friend's
taking a holiday, and tries to persuade him to visit him in Galtür. There he was visited by
Reinhard Oppel, who has been appointed to a theory post at the Leipzig Conservatory, where
he will teach from Schenker's texts. He comments at length on the decline of society, as
exemplified by the July Revolt. The second Meisterwerk volume has gone to the bookbinders;
until it is published, he will be working on Der freier Satz.
OJ 11/54, [14] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 7, 1927
Hoboken reports on recent travels, including the July 15, 1927 Vienna riots. – He
has made progress on his index of Haydn's works, and has purchased some Beethoven first
editions. – He hopes to meet Furtwängler soon, and has recently heard from Vrieslander. – He
asks Schenker to inscribe a copy of Meisterwerk 2 to John Petrie Dunn.
OJ 89/1, [2] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated August 12, 1927
Schenker acknowledges van Hoboken's letter, OJ 11/54, 14, dated August 7, 1927;
encloses seven articles; responds regarding Haydn, Furtwängler, the "Appeal" for the
Photogrammarchiv, an exhibition in Frankfurt, John Petrie Dunn, Reinhard Oppel, Das Meisterwerk
in der Musik, vol. II, Otto Erich Deutsch, and an honorarium; and sends best wishes for the
Hobokens' trip to Switzerland, reporting on von Cube.
OC 54/184 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated August 17, 1927
Mandruck enclose a complete proof-copy of the second Meisterwerk volume, along
with the corresponding graphs, which will be placed in an appendix. They request that
Schenker return an imprimatur copy so they can begin printing.
OJ 89/1, [3] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated August 20, 1927
Schenker has a reply from Furtwängler, saying that he is about to see Hoboken. —
Final proofs of Meisterwerk II have arrived; where should he have a copy sent to Hoboken? —
Discusses possible meeting with Furtwängler (refers to Furtwängler's attitude toward the
"moderns"). — Reports visit by von Cube.
OJ 11/54, [15] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 28, 1927
Hoboken reports on meeting with Furtwängler regarding the Photogrammarchiv, and
expresses the hope that it will be possible to interest Furtwängler in performance according to
the sources in the Archive; he encloses the final version of the "Aufruf" for the Archive, and
discusses negotiations with the Austrian National Library and Ministry of Education. — Comments
on Oppel's plan to teach in Leipzig. — Agrees to Schenker's lesson plan and fee for 1927/28. —
Describes his travel plans, which include meetings with Louis Koch in Frankurt, Ludwig
Schiedermair in Bonn, contact with John Petrie Dunn in England, C. S. Terry in Scotland, and
Maurice Cauchie in Paris, and photographing [of sources] at the [Paris] Conservatory.
OJ 10/3, [67] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 8, 1927
Deutsch has the text of the prospectus for the second Meisterwerk yearbook
prepared by Otto Vrieslander, which the publishers say is too long and he thinks is
unnecessarily repetitious. He is forwarding it to Schenker for his opinion.
OJ 10/3, [68] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 12, 1927
Deutsch has sent Vrieslander’s prospectus of the second Meisterwerk yearbook
to the publisher almost unchanged, despite overlength. — He reports 200 new acquisitions
[for Hoboken's collection], particularly in Mozart, Haydn, and Chopin.
OJ 89/1, [5] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated September 13, 1927
Schenker acknowledges OJ 11/54, [17], and discusses the nature of a "prospectus"
and the suitability of Vrieslander's text for that purpose. — He expresses an interest in
Hoboken's latest discoveries, and asks whether the latter could inquire in London as to the
whereabouts of the autograph manuscript of Beethoven's Op. 106.
OC 54/185 Invoice from Drei Masken Verlag to Schenker, dated September 27, 1927
Invoice for the author's copies of the second Meisterwerk volume.
OJ 11/54, [19] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated September 29, 1927
Van Hoboken reports receipt of Meisterwerk II and reports progress in
photographing manuscripts in London and Paris.
OJ 89/1, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated October 4, 1927
Schenker thanks van Hoboken [for subventing Yearbook 2], while complaining at
Drei Masken Verlag's failure to send him his author's copies and its lack of honesty; he praises
Hoboken for his collection and service to mankind.
OJ 8/4, [51] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated October 5, 1927
Schenker has asked a former pupil (Felix-Eberhard von Cube), who knows Dr.
Simon in Frankfurt, about the likely opening date of a music Hochschule there, but has
received little information in return. the second volume of Meisterwerk will be published
very soon.
OJ 10/3, [69] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 6,
Deutsch regrets that Drei Masken Verlag has not yet sent Schenker his
complimentary copies [of the second Meisterwerk yearbook]; they will send an invoice for the
production costs. Hoboken ought to receive an honor from the Austrian state only after the
Photogrammarchiv is up and running. Deutsch has much to show Schenker from the first
editions of Beethoven sonatas. He wants to arrange a time to go through the corrections to
Schubert’s Symphony in B minor.
OJ 10/3, [71] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 15,
Deutsch accepts an invitation to the Schenkers on Wednesday, October 19. –
Drei Masken Verlag have told him that they have already paid Schenker’s honorarium and sent
him complementary copies [of the second Meisterwerk yearbook] in January and that the second
payment came to him from their branch in Vienna. – He has been working on a Beethoven
catalogue but must now turn his attention to Mozart, and then to Schubert.
OJ 15/16, [58] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated October 27, 1927
Weisse congratulates Schenker on the publication of the second Meisterwerk
Yearbook, of which has expresses mainly admiration. But he is unhappy with Schenker's dismissal
of the fugue from Reger's Variations and Fugue on a theme of Bach, and with his reading of the
Urlinie in Schubert's Waltz Op. 9 (D. 365), No. 5, and Beethoven's Sonata Op. 10, No.
OJ 9/8, [4] Handwritten picture postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated November 8,
Altmann thanks Schenker for Masterwork 2; — Has retired but is temporarily
continuing in his position; — Reports publication of his handbook for string quartet
OJ 5/7a, [12] (formerly vC 12) Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cube, dated November 9, 1927
Schenker thanks Cube for the pictures enclosed with OJ 9/34, [9] and expresses
pleasure at Cube's reports of his teaching, composition, listening to the radio, Urlinie
studies, and advocacy of good editions; refers to Vrieslander's planned monograph on Schenker,
the prospectus for Meisterwerk I and II, and the call [for the
OJ 11/10, [19] Handwritten picture postcard from Frimmel to Schenker, dated November 11,
Frimmel thanks Schenker for having had Meisterwerk II sent to
OJ 14/45, [68] Handwritten letter from Violin to Schenker, dated November 13, 1927
Violin thanks Schenker for sending him the second volume of Meisterwerk, which
he regards as a milestone in offering the strongest statement of his theories. He is
accompanying a cellist in early January and will not be able to get to Vienna at Christmas
after all. His wife and son – who is now able to get up and around – are hoping to go to
Vienna at Easter.
DLA 69.930/16 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Halm, dated November 21, 1927
Schenker asks for confirmation of receipt of Meisterwerk II, and thanks Halm for
the parcel of sheet music.
OJ 10/1, [102] Handwritten postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated November 30, 1927
Meisterwerk 2 has arrived, and Dahms rejoices at its content and form of
OJ 14/45, [69] Handwritten letter from Violin to Schenker, dated December 27, 1927
Violin reports that his concert (cello recital) has been put back a week
because of a tendon problem in his left hand. He owes Otto Vrieslander a response to his
recent written work, but he feels that Vrieslander does not truly understand Schenker's
cause, does not have the same "orientation" towards it as he, and expresses himself poorly.
(Weisse, he says, could have done things better.) However, all this pettiness is nothing
compared with the achievement of Meisterwerk 2, and of the "crowning" work that will soon
OJ 5/7a, [13] (formerly vC 13) Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cube, dated February 12, 1928
Schenker expresses joy at Cube's report of his class and private teaching; refers
to Hoboken's "Aufruf" and Vrieslander's prospectus; reports Weisse's plan for a monthly
periodical; thanks Cube for his efforts with book dealers in Duisburg and
OJ 10/3, [88] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 14,
Deutsch can show Schenker the reissue (Titelauflage) of Beethoven’s Sonata Op.
6 if he is interested. -- On the 27th, he is giving a radio broadcast on Schubert’s lost
symphony; he has obtained funding ($1,000) for the person who finds it. -- He is giving
another radio talk on July 3, on Schubert’s incidental music to Rosamunde.
OJ 10/18, [3] Handwritten letter from Elias to Schenker, dated July 11, 1928
Miss Elias is glad that Schenker is "not dissatisfied" with her graphings of
his piano piece Op. 4, No. 1 and looks forward to her October lessons for a detailed
discussion. — She inquires about Vrieslander's "monograph." — She was interested to see the
autograph and first edition of "Erlkönig" juxtaposed in a Schubert
OJ 5/7a, [19] (formerly vC 19) Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated September 29, 1928
Schenker has received large-format Urlinie charts from Harry Hahn and recommends
format to Cube.
OJ 9/34, [16] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated March 26, 1929
Cube is listening by radio to music being performed in Vienna. The two caricatures are his
fellow composition teachers at Duisburg. Reports on his work at Cologne Conservatory: success with previous
lectures, and forthcoming lecture series.
OJ 12/50, [1] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, dated March 27, 1929
Bernhard Martin sends Schenker an analytical sketch and a composition study,
for comment. He expresses his gratitude for all that he has learned from his lessons with
OJ 10/3, [103] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 11, 1929
Deutsch gives Schenker a detailed, comprehensive account of how his royalties
on the sale of the third Meisterwerk yearbook are based.
OJ 5/44, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Arthur Waldeck, dated September 23, 1929
Schenker encourages Waldeck to spread his (Schenker's) ideas in America, and
apprises him of Dunn's translation of Kontrapunkt and his own recent and forthcoming
WSLB-Hds 191.565 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated July 20, 1930
In this 16-page response to a letter from Deutsch, Schenker thanks his
correspondent for his unstinting assistance (in relation to the third Meisterwerk
yearbook) and underlines the importance of a collected edition of the works of C. P.
E. Bach. — He then launches a long and detailed denunciation of Anthony van
Hoboken’s character, referring in particular to his treatment of Otto Vrieslander,
his ambivalence towards projects associated with the Photogram Archive, and his
absconding to Berlin to study the piano with Rudolf Breithaupt; Hoboken is
thoroughly undeserving of a high honor conferred by the Austrian
WSLB-Hds 191.567 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated August 15,
Schenker thanks Deutsch for his careful, helpful reading of the proofs
to the third Meisterwerk yearbook. -- Tomay has assigned the autography of the
foreground graphs for the second movement of the "Eroica" Symphony to an apprentice;
these are full of mistakes and will have to be done again. But Tomay’s own work, on
the third and fourth movements, is excellent. -- In a postscript, he comments on his
entry in the most recent Meyers Lexikon, and on a review of the second Meisterwerk
yearbook in the Deutsche Tonkünstler-Zeitung.
WSLB-Hds 191.570 Letter from Schenker to Deutsch in Jeanette Schenker’s hand, dated October 12,
Schenker will follow all of Deutsch’s recent suggestions regarding the
page formatting of the third Meisterwerk yearbook, for which he is most grateful. --
He then launches a further attack upon Anthony van Hoboken’s
OJ 13/25, [12] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated November 17, 1930
Rinn recommends an discussion in the Münchener Zeitung involving one of his
assistants, Alexander Berrsche. He looks forward to seeing the third Masterwork yearbook and
speaks of publishing a selection of "aphorisms" from the second and third
OJ 5/32, [3] Postal receipt from Schenker to Rinn, dated November 20, 1930
Schenker sends Rinn Meisterwerk II and the page-proofs of Meisterwerk
OJ 6/7, [52] Letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, in Jeanette Schenker's hand, dated November
26, 1930
Schenker summarizes the achievements and ambitions of several of his pupils
and followers (Albersheim, Cube, Vrieslander, Roth, Jonas, and Weisse), noting that Weisse
is the most ambitious of all of these though he is not completely at home in the new theory.
He fears that something might go wrong at Weisse's forthcoming lecture at the Central
Institute for Music Education, and hopes that Violin will listen with a sharp ear. Weisse
will give a trial run of the lecture at the Schenkers' apartment.
OJ 12/50, [7] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, undated [1931?]
Bernhard Martin sends Schenker a circular sketch diagram of the opening of the
C minor fugue from WTC, Book I, which he has used in his class teaching. He has for two
years been developing from Schenker's publications proposals for music instruction in
schools, including counterpoint with practical exercises.
OJ 5/11, [1a] First draft of a handwritten letter from Schenker to Furtwängler, in Jeanette
Schenker’s hand, dated November 11‒16, 1931
OJ 5/18, 23 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated February 7, 1933
Schenker returns four essays with praise. Salzer is informed that the price
for Jonas's Einführung has been set too high; Schenker advises caution with
OJ 89/6, [3] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated February 17, 1933
Congratulating Hoboken on his forthcoming marriage to Frl. Boy, Schenker
reports that Kalmus is playing a devious financial game over Oktaven u. Quinten (which is in
press) and Der freie Satz (which he thinks will take two years to publish) that may yet see
the latter revert to Cotta. — He speaks of Marx's naiveté over the proposed school version
of Harmonielehre. — He reports on the remaining stocks of Das Meisterwerk in der
OJ 15/16, [90] Handwritten letter from Hans Weisse to Schenker, dated March 17, 1933
Weisse reports the success of his lecture on the C minor prelude from the
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1. — He is currently giving two lectures on a Haydn's sonata. —
He inquires about the possibility of having Schenker's foreground graphs for the "Eroica"
Symphony printed separately and sold to his pupils, for a series of lectures planned for the
following year; the profits entirely to Schenker. — He sees little prospect visiting Europe
in the summer, as his financial situation has worsened: the Mannes School has been forced to
reduce his teaching for the next season. — He expresses his doubts about Vrieslander's
ability to reshape Schenker's Harmonielehre as a school textbook, and about the value of
Harmonielehre itself in the light of his teacher's most advanced theoretical
OJ 11/32, [16] Handwritten letter from Robert Haas to Schenker, dated September 10, 1933
Haas expresses pleasure at Schenker's comments on his performance practice
book, and asks if Schenker can donate a copy of Meisterwerk I to the
OJ 12/6, [26] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated December 10, 1933
Jonas asks how the music examples in Das Meisterwerk were printed, with
respect to his Das Wesen des musikalischen Kunstwerks. — In Riemann's Musiklexikon, ed. A.
Einstein, Einstein's reference to Schenker appears under "Bach."
OJ 5/18, 32 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated December 13, 1933
The music examples in Das Meisterwerk were engraved; Schenker draws attention
to and commends an article [by Israel Citkowitz].